Архив рубрики: deathmatch

KTERA GO Post: Battleground Improvements

There are some new and some old things coming back soon for KTERA. It seems that they are really focusing on making it easier for new players to get into the game. This time their efforts will revolve around Battlegrounds. Roughly 5 months ago there was a user experience feedback event of sorts that was […] Читать далее

Рубрика: battlegrounds, corsair's stronghold, deathmatch, GO Post, ktera, KTERA News, tera, tera online, winter snowfield | Комментарии к записи KTERA GO Post: Battleground Improvements отключены

KTERA GO Post: Team Deathmatch

Yeah, I don’t know what to call it so we’ll just call it as is. Sorry about this rather informal post but it’ll give you an idea of what’s in the latest GO post without the fancy “direct translation” stuff. KTERA will be seeing a new team deathmatch-style Battlegrounds very Soon™ and by soon possibly… Читать далее

Рубрика: battleground, bg, deathmatch, GO Post, ktera, KTERA News, pvp, tera, tera online | Комментарии к записи KTERA GO Post: Team Deathmatch отключены